Phone/s: 0333 012 4016 or 01753 574 183
Albion house
6 Albion Close Slough, SL2 5DT England, United Kingdom
Please ensure that you complete the application form online in full . All your information will be kept strictly confidential and will be used only for recruitment purposes.
Please note that no applicant will be unfairly discriminated against. This includes discrimination on account of age, cultural, religious, political beliefs, disability, gender, race, relationship status, sexual orientation, and or Trade union membership or stewardship.
If you want any special requirement to support you to apply. Please contact the registered manager on: 03330 124 016/ 01753 574 183
You are required to read the JOB DESCRIPTION before applying for this job, by continuing with the application it means you have read and understood the job you are applying for and what it entails.